Thursday, November 12, 2009


Its been very late since i have posted some thing here but obviously i didnot find time to do so. Though i uploaded the video few months back i was not able to type. lol. Here with this blog iam going to touch the telecom spectrum once again. Ravishing money playing with billions of life every single day in the form of paisas. Iam talking only about that 1paisa per sec. And bold start from DoCoMo took every blood and guts out of all the operators. Margin king Airtel FAILED. Vodafone spreading wings from UK also equally died. Aircel got lost(busy with maharashtra). And tatas promising the common man unlike Aam Aadmi(just a sentence). I seriously love Tatas now. Their nano was more or less like this 1paisa scheme only. They are not innovators but CHANGE AGENTS...CATALYST. Unbelievable but true they live on every hearts for many decades. Now they threw analyst out of the country by showing that they can also perform more than any Market share dealer. Ofcourse i would not say that DoCoMo is promising and rocking bla bla bla. Defnitely its making losses. Infact more losses than the new start ups because for the single fact they are new start ups. But there is always a cash flow for TATAS unlike any other company. The trust is always ready to give money and it makes Tatas grow in whatever loss it faces right from shifting of singur plant to the 1paisa plan. Every brand of Tatas is a performer TITAN , TATA TEA , TATA STEEL , TCS and more more more. Thus the actual rulers of India who are not in the limelight unlike Reliance.

Ok what made me come up with this video let me come on to that. As you can see there are three promotional activity involved in that video. Our own DoCoMo Aircel and Idea. One week i saw Aircel over there written on the walls and there was not even a single AD which was displayed like the one you are seeing in the video except Aircel and the next week DoCoMo came up with the AD just opposite to the AD symbolically representing that it is against aircel and one sime fact of getting its right share in the advertising space. And also they are saying that they provide twice the services as compared to Aircel. Good thinking DoCoMo marketers right from my first blog iam following you. Then the 3rd week came up with the brightest of AD industry IDEA MARKETERS (yEs they are bold) telling very boldly to the place that IDEA CARRIES AIRCEL AND DOCOMO AND STICK ABOVE ALL OTHER MARKETERS. Its impossibe to erect a building much higher than that over there so they thought of tying a balloon which says they stay above all and other live under IDEA'S shadow. Now these people i can say define marketing right from a kid to 80 odd people will always try to read what is written on that balloon jus psychologically testing their strength of their eye. Not only this WALK WHEN YOU TALK promotion opened a new arena of marketing.