Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hamara Bajaj !!!

One of the best Motor Bike ADS ever is what i feel when i see this AD. Enough creativity to attract anyone of any age and attire. Did anyone imagine that any place of that kind did ever exist. The AD was of simple texture. Brave enough to give you a content purely based on the geography of our country. A minutes time it takes and hours thought we make. Always an AD goes out of its product or through other resources and then it succeeds. Normally other resources here includes actors debates or even open criticism against other product by way of absolute silence or with product design (eg. parachute and few others design the competitors ad in green or blue color accordingly). Here its an mixture of the product and the content. I am happy they are not environmentally concerned like others and that would really make us shift to other channels. And a follow up ad again giving details on a city without doors was also fantastic. I would call it as a money well spent on R&D. Its not so easy to come up and say these are the cities with this specifics. An old ad was given on with public sense of not disturbing Taj Mahal was the last AD that i can remember. These kind of ADs impact the consumers really well. Also the phrase of visiting INDIA with a litre of petrol is the best way a product can be portrayed to others. Thats sounding more of proud but not selfish attitude on the product. Also people always expect new things and a typical AD showing you stunt scenes will only attract the youths. Ofcourse Bajaj also did that but now they have tried to brush up their own concepts. I can also remember an castrol AD which came out in a different way challenging the other marketers by posing them a 'who said fuel ADs must be containing only liquids in it' question. They came out with a politian AD and tat too during the election time. It was an all time hit. Servo was put to chaotic situation after that. And Bajaj i have been following from Hamara Bajaj days. They have a sense of patriotism when they did with scooter ADs and those ADs we can never forget specially the tunes. Now we dont have scooters and thats a different story. But coming up with this kind of AD with an entirely different genre makes me think again these people are inventing new age marketing. Also developing tourism. Areey why dint ITC or India Tourism think on these lines ??? !!!!