Sunday, January 24, 2010


If you have seen in the recent past a new wave of ads have been coming in with a strong shift towards saving the environment. And who is carrying it none other than mobile makers and mobile service providers. It all started with Nokia coming out with recycling your phone concept. Where once your phone gets old and you are about to replace with a new one you can give it to nokia itself for recycling where they have also promised a tree for every phone which had been put inside their box. Pity them they are not aware of the second hand market which is ruling in most of the city Even at the most no one would throw it off in a box without any share of advantage to them. Its been a success with the likes of Rich class but not definitely among the masses. You can even take me i would at least give it to my relatives or to friends who are really in need of a phone. But a fearful service provider who rose like a dragon in the ad world made it a point that it would reach the masses. Yes the same environment concern gushed across leaps and bounds of our country. Iam talking about IDEA . One day if i ever get a chance would like to meet them and ask them just one question "how do you guys alone get few thoughts like this". There has been a tremendous response for their ad "mind it" its from the masses. The reception has been huge and its nothing else but the theme they are into. SAVE PAPER. We all know and have gone through this same old saying that we should use less paper as many trees are destroyed for few pages of our note book. That's not all, we have been through with recycle books and books of little less trees blah blah. But have we ever thought a mobile can replace a paper. NO. And these people have done it. The version of abhishek is good and i like the fact that he is of little use unlike other ads where the star fits into the whole 1 min. The ideas are so touchy enough to make our souls recognize the ad when we see a touch screen phone. I specially loved the vegetable market ad where money is transferred through phone its high time we realize that it is possible. The effort is tremendous once again and you really need to take your brains out for these ads. There is clearly no intentions to target the competitor and thats very good on their part. A serious concern towards the environment evokes, which i feel is terribly good. Wish more ads come like that. And one more thing i should criticize it for one main reason. They left the walk when you talk campaign as it is. Its so good new themes are emerging unlike every other marketer sticking on to a single theme. But its so very odd coming out of the previous one. No one can forget shriya looked amazing in the ad (atleast for that). So they must not have left it abruptly but carrying it for a long time is also not advisable. IDEA is not like zoo zoo which sticks on to a theme and expands it within the theme. But changing its theme between few set of months its not so advisable. But as long as they have the word IDEA with them its all drained out. Salute for you guys. Expecting some more ads from you which will turn up heads and serve the purpose of what we are marketing for. Next blog on Bajaj coming up....