Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Micro Max>>Micro in shelf space...Macro in peoples mind

Guys its been very long time since i updated the blog. Most of the reason goes to "lack of interesting ads". And also devoted the time to search for a widget where we can give commentaries and ya its in process. Now today i saw this micro-max Q7 commercial. Awesome it was. A brilliant agency must be behind this. I have previously seen their Ad with Akshay Kumar (ha ha ha ad :P) and it was too captivating though not convincing enough to write something on it. To give you some edge on Micro max. With a 4.1% market share in Indian Mobile makers space, this combined with spice, karbon, lemon and lava made nokia the one biggie to lose 12% market share in a year ( that's a huge figure). Catering to the ever big Indian population not just through cheap handset but looks and feature wise too they are too captivating (Remember i dint say performance). Micro-max currently challenging the 3rd position is one big and strong contender. People got lured with chinese and korean sets and so once those mobiles ruled the black market. Then again after IMEI issues that market literally crashed. So here comes Karbonn and Micro Max to wake up the lazy bones inside Finnish mobile maker. The mobile phones of these developers are mostly imported from China by bulk purchase. Branded with their name and circulated within this country. People call it Box Movers. So what even Dell does it !!! Nowadays you can see lot of Blackberry's on your neighbour hood. One gaze closely will tell you those are Indian versions of Blackberry :P . Highly known as copy cat these mobile makers to attract semi urban and rural areas make sure their design matches with some popular mobile makers be it nokia or black berry and even ericsson. So whats special with these newbies. Why its so attractive?

1) Price ( Even an high end phone costs less than 10000)
2) Battery Life (Micro max launched its first mobile in rural area with a 30 day battery backup)
3) Design (Will you be able to get a QWerty with dual sim and attractive look?? Never)

Three reasons which i mentioned above is enough to attract wide audience. And that's why international mobile makers now fear the end of their era. They made all possible ways to reduce the shlf space. Univercell or any leading moble store in chennai doesnt carry much of Micro max. Reasons are really about margin concerns. Since Micro max or Karbonn doesn't have huge industries/plants like Nokia or ericsson as most of these biggies cost comes through that they make it sure that these mobiles stay out of their shelf space.

This blog was really meant for Ads :P lets shift onto that.
Micro max started their ad life with IPL. This ad attracting so many million people..

The best feature in this ad was Abhishek ha ha ha ... Half of audience like it rest of em doesnt. However the brand got affixed and ya the game in it too (Will you get a WII for 5000 ... Definitely not !! ) . The promoters attribute more than half of their cost to Ad spending. Really true .Recent one was even ASIA cup which they hosted. So which ad really attracted me to write here. See that.

This ad would have made the board of Nokia get really really pissed off.=)). I remember one of its director few weeks back complained ( probably after getting agitated after fall in market share) that Micro max will not be able to provide any customer support in the future like how Nokia or other Biggies does. Very valid point indeed. This AD specifically targeted to these agitated group really must receive an thunderous applause. "SORRY WE ARE REALLY SORRY" this clearly means that we are not ready to stop our low priced phones but we are also not ready either to stop adding features. A wifi in 5000rs. phone is really really a tough contender of customers choice. So far corby with 10000 is the lowest in Wifi segment for which even Nokia was crying. Now here comes Micro max with half the price of Corby. Would really put the board of nokia to tremble. After some dig up i found the predecessor of this Sorry sorry ad .

Both of these ads were really made to add fuel to the existing fire. As anyone can really see these ads are highly emotional. Must have been a do or die job for AD makers. Its really important for people to interpret the ad correctly. If you see both the videos you can know the concept where one guy makes lot of troubles to others just with one phone he holds. 2 Way interpretation can be made. one in a regular way that this person is affixed to his mobile so it must be really nice and great with features and he is just saying sorry to trouble caused by him on road. Second one is audio alone where it clearly pities the other phone makers and says we are sorry for disrupting your growth and sorry for people to have made them more attractive. Of course there is every chance for nokia to think that in a third way that the man itself is micromax and like the climax in ad,sensing micro max to die soon just like the man. Ya enough reasons it gives but the ad is a clear winner. Now i can see some one with real flesh after Docomo (Remember they spoilt the mobile service provider market). Expecting more ads from Micro Max soon. Still iam wondering why i write lot about telecom related ads 8-> .. more to come !!!! Cheers !!!!