Tuesday, May 4, 2010

chennadmania !!!!

So here it goes guys !!!! my long awaited post !!!! :P ... Chennai has a different architecture for its ads. A sense of style which i haven't seen anywhere else in our country. If you see my first post you could sense how corporates are exploiting the ad space over here. The city is largely held through hoardings wall paintings umbrella messages and at times even tea shop captivity. I will be posting few images over here and lets discuss on that.

This picture shows you the back side of a bus carrying UNI-NOR advertisement. Of course this is quite common in most of the cities but if you watch it closely you will surely come to know that the size is really huge and pretty fitting on a bus and unlike any other bus where they post on the side-top of the bus here its done on the backside. Most of the commuters look for the bus number and the respective route and just a glance is enough for them to carry the brand on their heads. Secondly vehicles following the bus its 'n' numbers. Obviously every one will get a glance of this ad and mostly there are varied ads displayed and it includes magic shows too :P . So tell me how they manage to do it, its because the ad rates as i heard is very cheap on a monthly basis. Very cheap then 1 lakh pamphlets :O Now that's surprising. So this has been a tradition here its because of the fact that it attract high rate of viewership.

So now let us dig deeper into Chennai

Now you see these pictures these are more common sights in Chennai. Mostly cement ads you can find and obviously its more popular in deep suburbs of chennai. Most large scale manufacturers tend to use these ads in chennai. Now docomo has even started using this :P (God knows who are the marketers:P). These ads tend to attract the sight of people in transit and one more information the last two wall ads photo was taken in front of local train station so you can imagine how much these ads are really worth. But actually an one time payment on 10000rs would do :D in the housing fraternity.

Now the previous video. Really a fantastic addition to experiential advertising. As you can see the ad is meant to be electrifying as how it is shown. This is a pepsi ad posted on a tea shop through its name board. Of course the tea shops name is less visible but the contentment of tea stall guy is priceless. He got a flashy board for free with his name imprinted just by allowing Pepsi to do it. Adding the brands name on to someones board has been a custom in Chennai but getting digital in this platform whole of the credit goes to Pepsi. The ad is flashy enough to attract all eyes passing by. Who else but Dhoni is sitting on it too so a very special ad for very special people must be the tag line. When i took the video i found it in just one shop near my home but almost all the shops now are proud owners. Pepsi you rock!!!

There are few other ads like Big umbrellas given to road side flower shop or pan wale which is enough to attract the pedestrians unfortunately i don't have those pictures. These umbrellas are engraved with brand name and logo. And few others like vodafone give home use umbrellas to the customer so just that any user steps out with it on a rainy or sunny day we can have at least one kid saying "papa see that". This attention grabbing exercise is done flamboyantly well in Chennai.

The ultimatum of the blog is to highlight where Chennai stands in ad world. Your comments and criticisms are highly motivating thanks for the feed back from off-liners. :) Next blog on ..... keep guessing !!! ;)


Prerna Munshi said...

Interesting!:) I really liked the content :) Keep it up!:)

kashyap said...

thanks prerna :)

yogi said...

hey its a nice analysis. Though its not just done in Chennai, its everywhere in India. marketers nowadays r opting for unconventional n cost effective ways to promote their products. one example is of mouthshut.com - they advertised on the back of autos in Mumbai.

kashyap said...

thanks buddy .... and yes this was to identify where they are really into i mean in the ad space ... soon expecting some other mouthshut to haunt Chennai autos :P